Title: Weight of Truth Pairing: Gen (Sayid, Sawyer) Word Count: 533 Rating: PG A/N: A 15 minute fic for crowgirl13, with this15_minute_fic prompt. Summary: Sayid's POV during The Man Behind The Curtain.
Title: A Common Misconception Pairing: Gen (Sawyer, with perceived Charlie/Desmond) Word Count: 564 Rating: PG A/N: A 15 minute fic for thespiansparkle, with this15_minute_fic prompt. Summary: How were Claire's suspicions initially arisen in Par Avion?
Title: New Traditions Pairing: Sawyer/Kevin Word Count: 522 Rating: PG-13 A/N: A 15 minute fic for gottalovev, with the prompt 'mistletoe'. Summary: Sawyer stopped celebrating Christmas when he was eight years old.
Title: Make It Through Pairing: Peter/Mohinder Word Count: 578 Rating: PG A/N: A 15 minute fic for sarisia, with the prompt 'extraordinary things'. Possible S2 spoilers. Summary: If he plays his cards right, they could be happy.